A Fast-code Platform to
Migrate from
Monolith to
2x Faster
Adding new features like delivery for the customers or OKR for employees is a painful and laborious process? The IT department is tired from endless patches, change requests, large code base and tight coupling?
You have heard a lot about limited flexibility and scalability.
We have a solution for you!

The Future is Already Here
Microservice Architecture to win the market competition.
Paypal, Spotify, Netflix, Amazon, and Uber become technically possible with new software architectural style which has allowed almost never-ending scalability.
If you say yes to the future customer's growth, IT infrastructure should be well prepared. Solutions build with a fast-code platform can bear the high real-time loads and millions of transactions to smooth the migration process.

Easier revenue growth.
Whether you are struggling with operational excellence or customers’ Life Time Value (LTV) increasing, there is a solution you can rely on.
Spending less time for your team to proceed with daily operations helps to decrease operational & labor costs. Customers’ data on your fingertips gives the power of helicopter view and the right decisions.

Customers innovations 57% faster.
New digital products and digital services launch could be easier with the right tool. XME.digital offers a “swiss-knife” software fast-code platform with a ready-to-use open-source framework and contemporary technology stack to digitize your ideas in highly profitable products as faster as possible. Serve your customers with those they need with fewer efforts!

The power of IT in business hands!
XME.digital offers you bricks to fill the gap between what your team already uses and those your business needs. Microservice based logic allows adding new services to an existing software autonomously. Imagine an independent power to extend existing solutions with omnichannel management and real-time based services.

Microservices for Any Business Challenge
84% of enterprises have already grasped microservices benefits for business. A bankruptcy with microservices adoption could cost competitive advantage in the future. Microservices are based on business needs and demands. Complicated business logic digitizing becomes more effortless and manageable. They empower applications with the ability to support new features, functions, input types, ways of connectivity, interfaces, devices, etc. Microservices can be and should be reused to decrease development costs and technical debt for your IT department.
customers CRM migration to Microservices for Telco
of the upselling level with Microservice based Order Management
happy customers use successfully Real-time delivery calculator for e-commerce
More About Microservices
Migration demands a lot of time and effort. To succeed, we need to have a strategy. To migrate successfully to microservice architecture, three stages should be passed. Decomposition of monoliths into microservices. Microservices integration with an existing IT ecosystem. Data persistence enablement for microservices.
Some use no/low code apps. Others create their environment based on experience. What should you do if these two options are not for you?
Any business wants that monolith vs. microservices fight ended as quickly as possible in favor of the last one. But the legacy unified system transformation into hundreds of separate services is a complicated task for IT representatives and business owners.
Speed vs. Quality. We have been living with it for years. Business demands both growth and scale. What can we as IT guys can offer something to correspond to the agenda? Actually, we can. Fast-code capabilities multiplied by microservices approach allows to decrease time-to-market dramatically and speed-up digital products and services delivery four times.
Some use no/low code apps. Others create their environment based on experience. What should you do if these two options are not for you?
Any business wants that monolith vs. microservices fight ended as quickly as possible in favor of the last one. But the legacy unified system transformation into hundreds of separate services is a complicated task for IT representatives and business owners.
Improvement & Innovations are not buzz words. It’s a part of the 2021 software future. To stay alive, we need to innovate faster than competitors to satisfy customers. Satisfaction means loyalty and support. Today businesses need digital transformation upgrades: supply chain, customer service. We need to manage a lot in a new way. To waste less time and effort, innovate two times faster.
Together with the robust middleware, the client got full control over the entire transition process, a versatile base to succeed.
The microservice architecture provides for the set of completely independent modules developed using a different technology stack and interacting via API. Each service is assigned a specific procedure.