Vodafone has chosen XME.digital as one of the core software platforms

Last week SmartFlex (a product IT company that is part of the Vodafone Ukraine group) has published a Technolgy Radar - an overview of the Techniques & Principles, Languages & Frameworks, Platforms & Infrastructures, and Tools which are used to deliver one of the best telecommunication products for one of the largest telecom operators of Eastern Europe.
A TechRadar (technology radar) is the structured list of technologies organizations investing in, grouped into categories based on the usage scenario (Adopt, Trial, Assess, Hold) and type (Techniques & Principles, Languages & Frameworks, Platforms & Infrastructures, Tools).
The Technology Radar is a way to visualize a technology portfolio by mapping existing and emerging technologies.
XME.digital (former XM^ONLINE) is glad to be a part of Vodafone Ukraine’s innovation journey and Digital Business Support Systems development!
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Vodafone's selection of XME.digital as a core software platform highlights its commitment to advanced, integrated technology solutions. This choice aims to boost operational efficiency and digital innovation across its services. If you're inspired by such strategic decisions and working on research, you might consider options to buy PhD proposal for expert guidance in your field.